Effective:  January 2007

24-hour worldwide travellers’ emergency
hotline numbers

NORTH AMERICA Toll-Free: 1-800-787-3131
INTERNATIONAL Toll-Free: 1-800-6000-1080 and is valid for countries below.
(note: the “6000” is correct and identifies international “800” calls)

SOS code (access code): SQ470 (zero)

When using an international 800 number you may need to use the regular access code. To use the Global toll-free service when traveling outside of North America, you must first dial the international access code to reach Canada (see list below). For example, if you are in Australia dial: 0011 + 800-6000-1080.

COUNTRY PREFIX to dial before International “800” number

Argentina 00

Australia 0011, 0014, 0015, 0018

Austria 00

Belgium 032

China 00

Colombia 005, 007, 009

Costa Rica 00

Denmark 00

Finland 990 + other 99# prefixes

France 00

Germany 00

Hong Kong 001 plus ( 002 (fax), 0060, 007, 008, 0080, 009

Hungary 00

Ireland 00

Israel 00

Japan 010

Luxembourg 00

Macau 00

Malaysia 00

Netherlands 00

New Zealand 00

Norway 00

Philippines 00

Portugal 00

Singapore 001, 002, 008, 012, 013, 018, 019

South Africa 009

South Korea 001, 002, 005, 006, 008

Spain 00

Sweden 00

Switzerland 00

Taiwan 002, 005, 006, 007, 009, 019

United Kingdom 00

When calling from a country NOT listed above, collect calls are accepted For COLLECT calls: 1-416-929-5788